APKiD can look at an Android APK or DEX file and detect the fingerprints of several different compilers:
- dx - standard Android SDK compiler
- dexmerge - used for incremental builds by some IDEs (after using dx)
- dexlib 1.x
- dexlib 2.x beta
- dexlib 2.x
If any of the dexlib families have been used to create a DEX file, you can be fairly suspicious it has been cracked
Lets Install it in Termux :
1. pkg install git
2. pkg install python
3. pip install --upgrade wheel
4. pip wheel --wheel-dir=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/yara-python --build-option="build" --build-option="--enable-dex" git+https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara-python.git@v3.11.0
5. pip install --no-index --find-links=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/yara-python yara-python
5. pip install apkid
Installation Complete 🔥💥
Now we just need to know where our apk is like for test , apk is located at
then type in console
apkid /sdcard/test/demo.apk
and see the result
For More info see these links
Android Compiler Fingerprinting
Note : I only sharing this tool info , i am no way affiliated with this . all credits belongs to whoever made this tool possible
Thanks to
CalebFenton , Tim Strazzere , Enovella
and all other who helped in creating this awesome tool